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Operating While Intoxicated


Being arrested for Operating While Intoxicated in the State of Michigan is a serious criminal charge. Under MCL 257.625, a person convicted of a first time OWI may face up to 93 days in jail, fines and community service, as well as a license suspension by the Secretary of State. IF YOU ARE CHARGED WITH OPERATING WHILE INTOXICATED, YOU SHOULD CONTACT OUR OFFICE IMMEDIATELY.


I have personally handled hundred of OWI cases in various courts throughout Michigan. Each case is different and requires professional review and consulation. I will examine your case closely to try and alleviate some of the consequences you are facing. I vigorously defend my clients facing OWI charges, from working with the prosecution to plea bargain to arguing cases at trial. If you are charged with OWI, you need professional representation.


Repeat Offenses: There are additional consequences under Michigan law for a second or third conviction. A second offense within 7 years can result in 5 day to 1 year in jail, community service, fines and possible license revocation by the Secretary of State.


If someone has been convicted twice previously of OWI charges and is again arrested, they face a felony charge with imprisonment up to 5 years. If you have prior OWI convictions and face another charge, it is vital to contact an attorney immediately.


"Super Drunk" Driving: Operating with a High Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) or "Super Drunk" Driving in Michigan carries significant consequences. Those convicted of High BAC OWI face up to 180 days in jail, significant fines, community service and severe license consequences by the Secretary of State.


Drunk Boating: Operating a boat or vessel with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) limit is .08 percent or above is illegal in Michigan. You could face jail time and/or fines.


Zero Tolerance: Under Michigan law, if the operator of a motor vehicle or boat is under 21 years of age and has a blood alcohol content of .02 or higher, they are guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by 93 days in jail, community service, fines and license action by the Secretary of State.


If you are charged with ANY type Operating While Intoxicated, please contact my office immediately. It is important to begin your defense as soon as possible. I will help defend your rights and fight for you.




(616) 850-2600


Robert W. Dixon III

Attorney at Law

208 Franklin Ave

Grand Haven, MI 49417





(616) 743-5989

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